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This group offers support, understanding and ideas to help families and people come to terms with and learn about Auitory Processing Disorder.


The group itself is made up of wonderful mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, auncles and professionals from all over the world. We also have people in APD of various ages. They give us valuable knowledge and understanding of this disorder. We also have many who have overlapping or co-existing syptoms like dyslexia, sensory processing disorder, ADHA and autism.


We welcome new members and their families also their support people and APD Professionals. We are continually trying to make APD more recognised by the wider community along with advocating for our child in their schools.


This is a closed group, meaning it is private - only members can see posts.


The group is run by 3 Brisbane, QLD Australian mothers : 

Nancy, Alayna and Janine. Each each have a daughter with APD. We are by no means experts but we live with this order each and every. We fight the same battles as our members, we have the same highs and lows as our members and we too find wonderful support for ourselves within the group because sometimes this journey we are all on can be very lonely and isolating. 










                                Alayna, Janine & Nancy    










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